This post is all about habits blocking your feminine energy
Hello girlie,
Welcome to true feminine diaries.
I’m stoked to have you back.
If you’re new here:
I’m Tanika, A blogger, introvert, and matcha girl who teaches all things feminine energy and personal growth for your soul.
Today, we will be exploring habits that are secretly blocking your feminine energy.
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Now, this one hits close to home for me.
For a long time, I thought that working when I was tired, controlling every detail or sitting at my desk for the entire day meant I was productive and would get where I wanted to be.
This led me to be unhappy and unfulfilled.
Over time I realized that I was blocking my feminine energy with these seemingly innocent habits.
They are so subtle that they felt harmless, but took a toll on my life for the last several years.
After embracing my light feminine energy, I was only able to quit these habits, and I hope you can too.
By sharing these innocent habits, I hope this post helps you to recognize the small ways you are losing touch with pleasure and joy and helps you to reconnect with yourself.
This post is all about innocent habits that block your feminine energy
~What is feminine energy
~What causes blocked feminine energy
~Seven habits blocking your feminine energy
Reminder: Pin the post to read it later 📌
What Is Feminine Energy?
Feminine energy is a force that you possess internally and can harness by relaxing in your body and harvesting emotional qualities like creativity, empathy, intuition, and the ability to nurture and receive.
Leaning into these qualities is the key to living a healthy, happy, fulfilled, and balanced life.
What blocks your feminine energy?
Your experiences and mindset are usually what block your feminine energy, making you feel disconnected from your true essence.
Other common reasons why your feminine energy might be blocked:
🔒being in a constant “hustle” mode where you always doing, achieving, and controlling.
🔒living too much in your head (overthinking, stress, control)
🔒constantly criticizing yourself or believing you’re “not enough”
🔒trying to control everything around you (not trusting that things will unfold as they’re meant to)
Let’s Get Started!
Innocent Habits Blocking Your Feminine Energy
1. Overthinking everything
Overthinking is one of your innocent habits that’s wounding your feminine energy.
I must admit that once upon a time overthinking was my best friend, especially when I turned the lights off at night.
I would feel my mind racing to figure out what I’d do the next day or how much I’d score on my test from last week.
I believed that thinking more would give me more control, which = solving the problem, which was never the case.
Over time this habit did not bring me comfort like I thought it would, nor did it solve the problem.
It only instilled more fear and doubt in my life. It made it hard for me to focus, relax, or enjoy the present.
It wasn’t until I practiced being more in my light feminine energy, I understood that overthinking doesn’t solve problems—it creates them. The key is to trust yourself, let go of control, and embrace the present.
Tips to shift out of overthinking and into feminine flow:
If you too struggle with overthinking:
✨ Start practicing mindfulness—focus on your senses (what you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel) to anchor yourself in the now. Try self-care rituals like journaling, meditation, or yoga to help quiet your thoughts and put you at ease
✨Get out of your head and into your body: instead of analyzing everything, practice listening to how your body feels. Whatever you’re thinking about causes your body to feel tense, it’s not the right thing for you right now– Dance, move, or breathe deeply.
✨ Trust yourself – trust that even if you do make a mistake you will have the opportunity to grow from them.
✨ Practice surrender – let go of control and allow life to unfold naturally–embrace what is happening now.
✨ Prioritize joy & pleasure – Do things just because they make you feel good–color, sing, make a vision board, or try a new hobby just for fun.
2. Comparing yourself to others
Another innocent habit that’s blocking your feminine energy is always trying to measure up to others.
I’m guilty of this😔
With social media constantly showing us people who have the things we “think we want”, we develop the unhealthy habit of comparing ourselves to others, which ultimately shifts us into lack and self-doubt.
Honestly, it took me a while to realize that the things I was seeing were only what I thought I wanted and not my true desires.
They just happen to show up on my Instagram feed.
Comparing yourself to others will always put you in a scarcity mindset which pulls you into what you lack instead of what you have.
This mindset will make you believe you must chase or compete with others to get what you want, which is not true.
The more you shift out of this habit, the more you will naturally shift into your dream life.
How to Shift from Scarcity to Abundance:
If you too struggle with comparing yourself to others:
✨ Start trusting & surrender – believe that everything meant for you will come with ease.
✨ practicing gratitude – focus on what you already have instead of what you lack.
✨ embody worthiness – you don’t have to prove or chase—you are already enough.
✨ celebrate others –support other women—her success is proof that it’s possible for you too.
✨ Stay open to receiving – accept love, help, and opportunities with grace.
Related read: How To Do A Life Audit | Transformative Guide 2025
3. Juggling too many things at once
So you thought that this one wasn’t going to make the list?
I’ve got news for you 🤣
You might have thought that multitasking is the ultimate productivity hack, but I promise you this innocent habit is blocking your feminine energy.
When you’re constantly in hustle mode, it’s hard for you to slow down and give yourself permission to feel and be.
This means you’re exhausted, uninspired, and lack creativity, which are HUGE blocks for your feminine energy.
It’s time you shift from hustle mode to a state of flow.
How to Shift from On-The-Go And Slow Down:
If you too struggle with juggling too many tasks:
✨practice slowing down: Check in with yourself. ask yourself daily—“How am I feeling? What do I need right now?”
✨Prioritize self-care by starting your day with a quiet moment for gratitude, and taking short breaks from tasks to clear your mind or breathe deeply.
✨Listen to your intuition: pay attention to how your body feels and go with your gut feeling.
✨Redefine success: start focusing on small task that brings you joy rather than the complicated task that stresses you out.
✨Let go of the need to do everything alone: Allow yourself to receive help and support from others.
4. Saying yes to everything
Always saying “yes” to favors from friends or family members does not make you a good friend or a dependable person.
It shows that you are an enabler who overrides your feelings to please others.
Trust me, I can relate.
But what I realized over the years was more than 80% of my “yes” really meant “no”🤣
I was only able to admit this when I realized that I had zero boundaries, and as a result, I would say yes to things I cannot commit to, leaving me resenting my loved ones.
I also realized that being a constant “yes man” was blocking my feminine energy.
I was constantly in a state of giving and not receiving which created such an imbalance in my life.
I now know that I am allowed to set healthy boundaries and it doesn’t make me a bad person, it makes me honor myself and create balance for joy and getting help from others, which feminine energy thrives in.
How to Shift from The Habit Of Saying “Yes”
If you too struggle with saying “No”:
✨Set boundaries with grace: feminine energy is also about honoring yourself and using discernment. So the next time you need to say “no”, do it with grace and say “I appreciate you thinking of me, but I can’t make that commitment right now”.
✨Prioritize receiving: your feminine energy thrives when you allow others to support you. Ask others for help and thank others when they give you compliments
✨Release the need to please others: people pleasing comes from the need to seek validation. Practice shifting your scarcity mindset by reciting dark affirmations, “My worth is not determined by what I do for others”.
5. Constantly complaining
I used to be a constant complainer.
It was my default habit on days when I felt like I was just dragging my feet due to lack of sleep or being overworked, which meant I was drained before the weekend.
I’ll complain at all costs, even though I knew it wouldn’t solve my problems.
Over time, I realized that being a chronic complainer did not only make me feel helpless but I was also stuck with anger and stress which caused so much tension in my body it blocked my feminine energy.
Feminine energy thrives in peace, relaxation, and joy.
When you are a constant complainer, you naturally shift into masculine energy which means being in constant survival mode.
This is when you need to take a step back and create some space for flow, peace, and joy.
How to Shift from Constantly Complaining
If you too struggle with always complaining:
✨ Practice Gratitude: one sentence of daily gratitude can help you unblock feminine energy because it shifts your mindset from lack to abundance. Stop and appreciate and say to yourself “How beautiful and soothing is the rain today?”
✨Learn to surrender and trust: Instead of complaining about things you can’t change, when things don’t go well, practice shifting your mindset and say to yourself, “I trust everything is working out as it should”
✨Focus on solutions instead: feminine energy is about embracing solutions with flow. When you find yourself complaining, shift from “Why is this happening to me?” ~ “What can I do to make this easier”.
6. Spending too much time indoors
If you’re anything like me, you love being indoors.
You even at times tell yourself that you’re not an outdoors kind of gal😕
You just love to relax by your desk with a cup of coffee, get some work done, then jump in bed to your favorite show on Netflix.
Sadly, this innocent habit is crushing your feminine energy.
The divine feminine thrives in taking pleasure out of the small things in life. The things we can touch, see, hear, and interact with.
Little things like insects walking about, the sound of birds singing through the wind, or just plain old moving your body by going for a walk.
When you are indoors every day, you are robbed of enjoying these little things, which increase your stress and anxiety levels, which kill feminine energy.
So make it your daily routine to spend time outside in nature to embrace your feminine energy.
How to connect to feminine energy in nature:
If you spend too much time indoors:
✨ Step outside daily – even if it’s just a short walk or spending some time in your garden.
✨ Move your body – dance, stretch, or take a yoga class to soften your energy.
✨ Embrace the elements – feel the wind, sun, or rain on your skin to awaken your senses.
✨ Go on nature excursions – plan trips to parks, forests, or beaches to reconnect with the natural world.
✨ Create a peaceful, feminine space indoors – if you need to be inside, make it nurturing with natural elements like plants, candles, and soft lighting.
7. Skipping gratitude
There is always something to focus on in life.
The one missing thing
Waiting for the next big thing
What’s on our to-do list for tomorrow?
Which means we sometimes overlook the blessings and memories that we already have.
I know it can be tough to be grateful when life has kicked you down often, but skipping gratitude only increases stress and anxiety, which shifts you into worry.
How to Bring Back Gratitude Into Your Feminine Flow.
If you struggle with gratitude:
✨ Start a gratitude journal – Write down 3 things you’re grateful for every day.
✨ Express gratitude verbally – Thank others for their kindness, support, and love.
✨ Practice gratitude in your body – Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and feel gratitude in every cell of your body.
✨ Focus on abundance – Shift from a mindset of lack to one of overflow by acknowledging all the blessings in your life.
✨ Embrace small moments – Be grateful for everyday things, from the warmth of the sun to a delicious meal.
This post is all about habits blocking your feminine energy
Final Thoughts:
Everyday habits may seem harmless but can block your feminine energy without you realizing it.
The good news? Small shifts—like slowing down, embracing pleasure, and allowing yourself to receive—can bring you back to your feminine energy.
Some of these habits will take some time for you to break but with the right mindset and consistency, you’ll be well on your way to reviving and rejuvenating your feminine energy.
Now is the time to get started so you can become your dream woman.
Always remember: “A feminine woman radiates joy, not because life is perfect, but because she chooses to bloom anyway”.
Did you like this topic on habits that’s blocking your feminine energy? I’d 💜 to know which of these habits you find yourself doing the most?
You’ll also 💜 my other post on feminine energy and Beauty, check them out👇
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